Pretresse de Ceremonie

Series: The Island Beneath the Sea

53 x 53 x 4 in

Mixed media on wood in artist frame

Covered with resin


In this chapter, the Mambo (voodoo priestess) Tante Rose shares a cigar with Bawon Samdi (Haitian lwa of the dead and passage) and discusses exchange of lives between a baby and a slave of the plantation. This is reflected in the choice of black/white/purple colors and cut iron (haitian art) design of the loas. I also wanted to represent the fact that there are many ways to see things in life. It all depends on your point of view. The death of the slave can be a good thing… or not… it all depends on the angle from which you see things. This is represented by the choice of paint “iridescent violet”: depending on where your stand, you either see the frame white… or purple!

Tante Rose
Tante Rose
Tante Rose